Passionate about Software Engineering and its ability to do good for the community. Eager learner and hard worker, looking to continuously improve my skills.
Global E-Commerce - Governance Service - Risk Control Platform
Developed identity management system for migrants in Mae Sot, Thailand as well as Electronic Health Records system for a clinic in Mae Sot, Thailand.
Global E-Commerce - Data Insights Platform (Creator, Live Workbench).
Aug 2022 - May 2023, Singapore
Served as a Teaching Assistant for Software Engineering for 2 semesters.
One-stop B2B Procurement & Sponsorship Platform in Singapore.
Game where users can build towers using tetris blocks. Supports 4 different game modes and local multiplayer. Built using SwiftUI and Swift as part of the team project for CS3217.
Grade: A+
Rick and Morty themed Peggle Clone in Swift, with core gameplay and a level editor, built using Storyboard for the iPad as part of the individual problem sets for CS3217.
Grade: A+
Platform for users to obtain and give away pre-loved clothes targeting UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 12 - Reponsible Consumption and Production. Built using Flutter and Firebase as part of Google Developer Solutions Challenge 2023.
Our team is currently in the top 100 worldwide.
Mobile-responsive Progressive Web Application for both students and teachers at the Dyslexic Association of Singapore. Project aims to make learning fun for dyslexic students with an online learning platform customized to their learning needs.
Currently serving as Frontend Lead for team consisting of passionate developers in NUS GDSC.
Collaborative coding interview platform where users can match with another user to practice coding interview questions in preparation for technical interviews. Created as part of Software Engineering Principles and Patterns (CS3219) team project.
Grade: A+
TEAMMATES is a free online tool for managing peer evaluations and other feedback paths of students.
Done under Independent Work Module at NUS-OSS (CP3108B).
Progressive Web Application (PWA) where users draw the word of the day, and share it with others, as well as view what others have drawn.
gitGud is a desktop application for storing and managing your friends’ gaming information and schedules. Done as part of Software Engineering (CS2103T) team project
Grade: A
An online platform allowing users in a community to list items and trade, developed with Spring, ElasticSearch and MariaDB for the backend and NextJs, TypeScript and Redux Saga for the frontend. Developed endpoints using Spring to allow users to CRUD trade requests with other users. Also developed custom components and pages, such as the home page and the trading page.
Web app where users can learn how viruses spread, and create, view and save custom-made virus models. Project for Independent Software Development Project (Orbital) 2021.
Awarded Apollo 11 (Advanced) level of achievement.
A themed escape room website I created using ReactJS and SCSS for PBMUKS Freshman Orientation Camp 2021.
B.Sc. in Computer Science (First Class Honours)GPA: 4.75 out of 5Taken Courses
Extracurricular Activities
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2016 - 2017 Extracurricular Activities
Top 5% of cohort in AY21/22 Semester 2
Top 5% of cohort in AY21/22 Semester 1
Top 5% of cohort in AY21/22 Semester 1
Awarded Apollo 11 (Advanced) award for ViruSim, as part of Independent Software Development Project.
Introduces the essential skills required for a modern web developer.
Introduces modern skills of a Python 3 developer, and build real word projects using Python.